The change of time could also have repercussions in the mood of dogs. We know that our four-legged friends love routine, so any change becomes a source of stress for them. Here are what measures to take!
In Italy, that moment of the year has come again when the hands of the clock are moved, specifically by one hour back, so daylight saving time becomes solar. Hour changes greatly affect human biorhythm – as they allow him to sleep an hour more or one less depending on the season – but can also have repercussions on that of dogs.

How are dogs affected by the time change?
Some dogs are more sensitive than others, depending on their character, age, breed, life path, but in general they all feel more or less markedly any time change that modifies their routine.
At the change of the hour we humans sleep an hour more or one less, consequently our eating habits change, alter the times we take the dog for a walk, when we give him food or when we send him to bed.
It may happen that during the transition week Fido becomes confused and a little nervous, especially because he has no way of understanding why his habits have suddenly changed. His biological clock, in fact, does not change: he will start to feel hungry at the usual time, he will want to go out to do his business according to his usual rhythm and could finally show more impatient at the time of eating or walking. Getting used to novelty is not so automatic, neither for us nor for furry friends, who will have to slowly adapt to the new biorhythms.

What to do to accustom the dog to the new habits
If the dog is used to eating at 8 pm, with the change of time he will start to get hungry at 7 pm, so initially you will have to serve him the baby food at that time. To get him back to eat at 8pm, add 15 minutes each day (7.15pm, 7.30pm and so on) until you reach the new time. It will be easier for the dog to change his routine in this progressive way.
The only case in which the walk can be anticipated is when the favorite can no longer hold back his needs: if you know him, you will be able to distinguish the times when he really needs them, from those when he begs you to go out just for fun! For the rest of the walks, however, do not let yourself be touched by his pleading gaze and if he starts wandering impatiently in front of the door, the usual moment of the jog has come, you will have to make him wait. Distract him by making him play!
It is good to gradually accustom a dog to any changes it will face. By doing so, we will help him make a lot less effort, and living with him will be much easier.