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Adopting an animal is always a gesture of altruism and love, however it is also necessary to concretely evaluate what are the expenses that this choice will entail in one’s budget. If, for example, you decide to take a chinchilla home, how much would it cost you to maintain it?

A chinchilla needs care and attention like all pets, even if it is less demanding and expensive than a dog, having one still entails maintenance costs.

In order not to be unprepared, we have prepared a guide that will help you evaluate the costs of running a chinchilla!

Adopting a chinchilla: the initial expenses

The initial costs are the highest, but in principle, once made, they never recur.


These include the purchase of the chinchilla, which ranges between 70 and 120 euros. However, you can also opt for one of those offered for adoption (free or on a spontaneous offer) by the various associations, which have saved these rodents, previously abandoned.


Another expense is the purchase of the cage. To be adequate it must be very spacious and preferably it must develop vertically to facilitate the chinchilla in climbing; it must contain essential accessories such as a feeder, a water bowl, a hay rack, a sand bath and a den where the chinchilla can shelter and sleep. The price for a good cage is around 200 euros.

The Scoiattoli Kid model by Ferplast is spacious and sturdy, has a structure with plastic profiles, a guarantee of maximum resistance and durability, has a metal mesh treated with a special anti-corrosion paint, large plastic bottom to contain food residues and excrement.”

Adopting a chinchilla: fixed expenses

The material maintenance costs of a chinchilla are not particularly high but some things must necessarily be provided daily.


Proper nutrition for chinchillas is based on the following foods:

  • 75% hay
  • 20% dry food (pellets) and mixed food
  • 5% fruit and vegetables

Do not choose the cheapest food to save money but select quality foods so as not to compromise the health of the rodent.


The chinchilla cannot wash itself with water but must take sand baths to keep the skin and coat clean. Thanks to this practice it can eliminate dead skin cells, excess hair, dust, as well as moisture and fat from the skin.

The monthly fixed expenses range from 20 to 30 euros.

Adopting a chinchilla: variable expenses

There are some expenses which vary according to individual cases. For example, if you adopt a pair of chinchillas, the male must absolutely be neutered in order to avoid finding a crew of small chinchillas. Depending on the veterinarian you are going to contact, castration will cost between 60 and 100 euros.

Even visits to the veterinarian specializing in exotic animals can fall into this category of expenditure: there are those who go once a year, some more often. In general, a visit can cost around 60-70 euros.

It’s up to you to decide, if you decide to share your life with a chinchilla, you will receive in return so much sweetness and tenderness!

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