The best Instagram pictures tagged #Ferplast

This month, our beloved “Instagram favourites” section has selected images that share a common motif: friendship. Pets are more than man’s best friends; they often create truly affectionate and loving relationships with other animals, regardless of sharing or not a roof with them. How many of you have inseparable friends that are frequently in cahoots with each other?

Friendship is a precious, significant kind of relationship. If you’re lucky enough to find true friends, your life will definitely be richer and more fun! Although we certainly don’t give it much thought, this applies to animals as well. We’re sure you’ve read touching stories of unlikely friendship between animals – a kitten and a duckling, or a tiger that helps out a little pig… Our fans have come up with great photographs showing prank mates, and one can’t help but notice the complicity looks they exchange.




Some of them share their beds and fall asleep in a hug with their best buddies. Could it be that Ferplast’s Siesta Deluxe resin cushions and dog- and cat-houses are so cosy that they help pets sleep, or is it just that these guys simply love each other that much?





Our Royal house must surely be very comfortable and soft, or it wouldn’t be so intensely disputed.


These super sweet and cheerful little noses are ready for a walk in good company. Because, as we all know, anything done together becomes more special!


It’s said that friends choose each other because they’re similar and have tastes in common. Take a look for yourself: several of the dogs in the photographs are wearing the same Ergocomfort chest harness and the same leash! Aren’t they just adorable?




Keep posting your pictures on our Instagram profile (@ferplast_official). Remember to tag us and to use #Ferplast. The best pictures will be selected and included in our hit parade. What are you waiting for?