Shots of this month’s prettiest sleeping beauties

April slumbers, the saying goes. There’s truth to it: in early spring we all feel tired and fatigued and would give anything to be able to sleep all day, including our furry friends! This month, we dedicate our “Instagram favourites” section to our slumbering pets.

It may just be the change of seasons, but the sense of fatigue caused by the warmth of this period of the year makes everyone feel like taking very long naps. Our cats and dogs are no exception, and they love napping as much as they love playing.

 But how much can cats and dogs sleep? An adult dog can sleep from 12 to 14 hours a day, on average, even though it wakes up more frequently than we do. The number of hours a dog spends sleeping depends on her level of physical activity, on her breed, and on her age. A similar concept applies to cats; they sleep, on average, 16 hours a day, with some level of variation. A cat left home alone will become bored and therefore more predisposed to napping, while if there’s company, he’ll surely spend more time playing.

Our four-legged customers are veritable lazybones, and their favourite place to nap are Ferplast’s cushions and beds, even if some of them have been known to fall asleep in the most unusual places!

Our Siesta plastic bed is always a great option: our pets love it because it’s very roomy and comfortable, and their owners love it because it’s easy to clean. Look how sweet and innocent they look!






Sleeping by oneself is sweet, but it’s even sweeter in good company! Science says that sharing a bed with someone else has benefits for our health, and this can also apply to our dogs, as long as the bed is roomy enough for two. Judging by the pictures we’ve received, these dogs are very happy to nap together.




Many seem to love the Relax cushion with a singular print with capitals of the world, perfect for dogs that dream of living in a metropolis! These oval cushions can be used alone or to make the rigid plastic Siesta Deluxe bed even more comfortable. How do your pets like it better?



We dare you not to smile as you see the silly and apparently uncomfortable sleeping positions of these pets. Some with their belly up (experts stay this promotes deep sleep), some on their side, with their paws crossed. Not to mention this white furry guy, happily napping, all relaxed and refreshed, on our Pet Cool Mat, with his nose sitting between the slabs. Or the cat with its paws up, inside its own carrier.





But these are our winners for this month. Just looking at them makes us feel like dropping dead on a bed! Sweet dreams!

