Our four-legged friends fill our days with joy, are faithful companions and, of course, part of the family. That’s why in 2021, the pet bonus for maintaining pets was approved by the Italian government.

In 2022 comes the reconfirmation of the pet bonus. This decision certifies pets as family members not only for their owners but also for the state of Italy. Let’s see what it’s in store for the pet bonus in 2022.

What is the pet bonus?

The pet bonus is a tax deduction for veterinary expenses. Going to the vet is often very expensive. In addition to the costs of vaccinations, sterilisation and regular check-ups, there are also the costs of unforeseen problems. The pet bonus was created by the Italian government to help pet owners, especially after the boom in adoptions following the first lockdown.

Pet bonus in 2022

The reconfirmation of the pet bonus in the Budget Law for 2022 has brought both confirmation and news.

Confirmations in the bonus 2022

The tax relief does not apply to all veterinary expenses. Specialist visits, surgery, laboratory tests and the purchase of medicines are covered by the deduction.
The maximum deductible limit remains at 550 euros. The deductible remains unchanged at € 129.11, i.e. an IRPEF deduction of 19% on the amount spent.

News in the 2022 bonus

In addition to support for families, the bonus also extends its scope to social initiatives, primarily the fight against stray dogs. The aim is to create a fund of about two million euros to fight the phenomenon where it is most widespread, mostly in southern Italy (Abruzzo, Molise, Campania, Basilicata, Calabria, Puglia, Sicily and Sardinia).
The objectives also include the definitive closure of mink farms and the creation of a fund to protect wildlife. 

How to apply for the pet bonus in 2022

In order to apply for the pet bonus, you must first be the animal’s legal guardian. In addition, you must be an Italian citizen or have a valid residence permit. However, there is no ISEE limit. Dogs must be registered with the Canine Registry, while cats must have a microchip or documentation certifying the purchase of the animal. 

The bonus can only be requested once by filling in the form on the Agenzia delle Entrate website. Deductions can only be made on traceable payments, i.e. made by credit card, debit card or deposit.

The reconfirmation of the pet bonus testifies to the increasing importance of pets in our daily lives. In 2022, tax relief will be complemented by a commitment to social welfare.