Taking small dogs out and about

If, after adopting a small puppy, you’re dying to take him out with you, you can just imagine how excited he is to get out and about in the city centre or the countryside! It’s a yes to outings, sure, but don’t overdo it! This is how.

A puppy’s initial experiences are a fundamental and indispensable step in raising a healthy and well-balanced dog. Taking your pup out for a walk, for example, is one way to improve his behaviour and help him socialise with the outside world, whether it be with other people or other pooches.

Before taking the dog out, be sure he is at least three months old and has received all necessary vaccinations. At such a very young age, a puppy is still developing immune defences and it is easier for him to catch an illness, and more so at this time of year.

That does not mean we have to resort to locking the doggy in the house or in the garden all the time. Rather, when it is a beautiful sunny day and the temperatures are mild (and our little fur-baby has met the aforementioned requirements), then you have satisfied all the preconditions for organising an outing. In short, you just need a leash, a stroller and to set forth on a short stroll in the open air!

Whilst out on a walk, much attention should be paid to not plopping the pooch down in places that are too dirty or where there is other animal excrement. We also have to ensure that he does not put everything he encounters into his mouth. What we do need to do, rather, is seek to have him socialise with other dogs, always trying to remain calm and in control of the situation.

To be clear, the walks must be short given that we cannot expect the dog to be able to travel along paths and passageways that are too complicated and long, as his energies are still more limited than those of an adult dog. However, should we want to have our pooch stay out a bit longer than his energy levels allows, we can use a small and practical trick. And what would that be? Acquire a little stroller suited to small dogs. This is a perfect solution for taking our pooch with us without having to carry him in our arms when he’s too tired to walk!

The Ferplast Globetrotter stroller is designed for puppies and dogs up to 9 kg. Greatly robust, it is made from durable materials such as plastic, metal and fabric, but is lightweight to take out and about. It is very convenient and, thanks to the netting basket on the base, it is easy to carry all of the accessories needed for a walk. For maximum safety, the rear wheels are equipped with a locking brake, whilst the front wheels are complete with shock absorbers that render the transportation more comfortable.

Walking with our new arrival will become a moment of happiness, given that whenever the puppy grows too tired, you just have to pop him into the stroller! So, are you ready to depart?