Tips on what you might need for a seaside vacation with your dog

Are you planning a seaside holiday or simply a day on the beach… but you don’t want to leave the dog at home alone? Fortunately, there is an increasing number of beaches where your four-legged buddy is welcome! Let’s take a look at what you might bring along with you for the dog.

In order to avoid any nasty surprises and before you start packing, you might want to find out more about the beach you are planning to go to. Some allow pets, but they have to be on the lead the whole time (so get yourself a nice long lead so that he can move about more freely). Other beaches only allow dogs at certain times of day. If you want Rex to run free chasing waves and catching Frisbees, then you need to find a beach where this is permitted. Once you know where you’re headed, make sure you have everything you’ll need with you.

1- SHADE. Dogs absolutely need shade. The perfect solution would be to take the dog to the beach when it’s cooler, early in the morning or late afternoon. But if you are planning a whole day out on the sand, then bring along a beach umbrella (if the beach you’re going to doesn’t have one) or find a place where trees can provide the needed shade.

2- WATER. One of the most important ingredients for the health of your dog is clean, fresh water. He needs plenty of it to stay well hydrated. A folding rubber bowl, like the ones Ferplast makes, is perfect for when you’re on the road. They come in the half or full litre size and can be used for water or food. Another really handy accessory is the dog water bottle, which not only holds water, but has a fitted bowl attached to it. And depending on your dog’s eating habits, you can bring along a bag, like Ferplast’s Treats Bag, filled with kibbles or snacks.

3- DOG BED. It’s a good idea to provide the dog with some place he can go to sleep that does not fill up with sand or get ruined by salt water. Pillows or little mattresses covered in technical material – like the very durable, water proof and resistant Jolly or Polo models – are ideal for this purpose. Get a light coloured one, as black becomes very hot when left in the sun.

4- PROTECTION. Dogs can get sunburns too, especially dogs with prominent noses or pink skin, or light coloured dogs that have been shaven for the summer or simply have short or thin hair. In order to protect them from sunburn, use a doggie sun screen lotion and put it on his ears, nose, tummy or anywhere else he has no hair.

5- SWIM. Most dogs like to go for a refreshing swim, and even more so if it’s combined with some fun game he can play with you, like Frisbee or with some floating toy that withstands water. When you’re at the seaside, do take care to rinse him off with fresh water when the playing is over. Make sure his ears are washed and free from sand. At the end of the day, give him a real shower and wash him with a delicate shampoo, or just rinse him well and apply a bit of cream rinse to keep his hair nice and shiny. It’s easier if you use a rubber glove or a soft brush. Remember to dry him well with a big clean towel.

6- EDUCATION. Last, but certainly not least, remember that good manners (human and canine) are a delight to all on the beach. So make sure you always have baggies – in cute Dudù bag holders – with you to clean up after him. They come in various shapes, like bears, pandas, piggies and so forth. It’s always a good idea to take him for a walk away from the beach area every hour or so to get his “business” done. We don’t want to leave any nasty surprises for other holidays makers!

Photo credit @ Carlotta Rubaltelli of Style and Trouble blog