Dog’s teeth are precious therefore it is important to keep them healthy. A poor oral hygiene routine can promote plaque and tartar build up and can lead to even more serious problems. Ferplast has created an innovative chewing toy line, very attractive to your faithful friend and at the same time useful for his health.

The importance of dog’s oral hygiene

The well-being of the dog also passes through its mouth. In addition to a purely aesthetic factor, ensuring healthy teeth to your dog is essential for his psycho-physical balance.

If not cleaned properly, your dog’s teeth will be damaged. Such inattention can cause the formation of tartar, plaque, bad breath and gingivitis. The daily accumulation of tartar in the mouth promotes the proliferation of bacteria, the cause of infections and diseases of the oral cavity that can cause the fall of the teeth if not actually affect the immune system and the internal organs of the animal, such as the heart, kidneys and the intestines.

Keeping the dog’s teeth clean and ensuring proper oral hygiene is our duty. For this reason, the dog must be encouraged to chew products with a certain consistency, such as dry food, snacks and toys, which, thanks to the mechanical action of chewing, allow to clean the gums and remove any dirt stuck between the teeth. From time to time, the teeth should also be brushed.

If you have any doubts, always contact a veterinarian or a specialized dentist for dogs and animals, it affects the health of your four-legged friend!

Let’s now have a look at Ferplast proposal to tackle this problem safely and with maximum effectiveness.

GoodBite Natural by Ferplast: much more than a chewing toy

To keep the teeth clean, healthy gums and strengthen the jaws, Ferplast has created a unique and innovative line of chews that combines the benefits of a traditional dental snack with the advantages of a toy. Let’s see them in detail.

GoodBite Natural is a range of chewing toys available in the shape of a bone, helix or sticks, made with natural components derived from corn starch. They are very attractive to the dog thanks to the addition of appetizing aromas, such as chicken, beef, ham, salmon, lamb and cereals. During chewing they act by removing the bacterial plaque thus preventing the onset of caries and, no less important, making your four-legged friend have fun.

It is a safe product, developed and tested with important universities and international research centers. If ingested, in contact with saliva and gastric juices it turns into a gelatinous mass that does not cause intestinal obstructions and is not assimilated by the body. Unlike traditional dental snacks, Goodbite Natural does not provide any additional nourishment, thus avoiding canine obesity. For this reason, we can also use it as a reward for the dog without worrying about altering diet.

It is a quality product, Made in Italy, made with non-toxic and biodegradable natural components. It does not expire and does not develop fungi or bacteria, proving hygienically safe.

Goodbite Natural is available in 3 different shapes, 6 sizes and 6 irresistible aromas. To keep the dog’s interest in the product alive, a rotation of the aromas is useful.

Remember that very little is needed to improve the quality of life of the dog!

Playing has never been so healthy with Goodbite Natural!