Your dog’s dental hygiene is very important, as it prevents bacterial growth inside the mouth. To protect your dog’s teeth, Ferplast has come up with a new multi-functional toy, Smile.

Taking care of your dog’s teeth with attention reduces the risk of diseases such as caries, gingivitis, tartar and plaque. Chewing and, therefore, working the teeth, helps having a cleaner mouth, a freshier breath and a healthier gum. Ferplast’s new dental toy, Smile, was created to help your dog’s dental hygiene in a fun way.

Smile, the toy that protects your dog’s teeth

Thanks to the dental dog toys it is possible to stimulate your dog’s chewing while having fun. Smile is the latest novelty by Ferplast. It is a resistant toy, which promotes oral hygiene and entertains our four-legged friend.

Smile is extra durable

Dogs clean their mouths by chewing on very hard objects, such as bones and cartilage. Ferplast’s new dental toy is made of thermoplastic rubber, extra durable and non-toxic. It’s an ultra-resistant material, which, therefore, will resist your dog’s chewing. It is available in two colours, red and black, and in four sizes, to suit dogs of all sizes.

Smile helps oral hygiene

Smile is also a special toy because it contains bicarbonate crystals. Even dogs can suffer from problems such as tartar, periodontitis and gingivitis. The baking soda crystals reduce plaque and tartar, and keep the mouth healthy, teeth clean and breath fresh. In addition, thanks to its uneven surface, it provides a pleasant massage to the gums and keeps the mouth muscles exercised.

Smile is irresistible

To make it even more attractive and to promote play, Smile is meat-flavoured and can be filled with kibble.

Protecting your dog’s teeth is essential to avoid the formation of annoying diseases. With Ferplast’s Smile, you can take care of your dog’s teeth while he has fun.