Part 2 – Dogs, Seasons and Terrains suited to running

When you start jogging with your dog, but also for those of you who already run with him, you need to be aware of what you’re doing and always keep your pet’s health uppermost in your mind. First of all, your dog must be happy and in good health. What follows is some basic advice for running with your dog safely and without worries.

If it’s the first time you take your dog running with you, it’s best to start gradually, letting him get used to the new activity and training him bit by bit. The dog should not overdo it and remember that going uphill is even more exhausting. The first and most important rule is never to push too hard or ask too much of him, especially if the dog is not especially fit. Keep a steady pace and try to understand what speed best suits your dog. Don’t force him and if you notice he is tiring, take a break, stop. The aim of running together is be together, so don’t suddenly sprint away leaving him behind.

Another important thing is never to exercise your dog just after a meal, especially medium-large dogs whose stomach could suffer torsion, which is very painful and sometimes even fatal. Make sure they are well hydrated and have access to fresh water before and after and, if possible, a good slurp while pausing during the exercise. Obviously, in order to avoid jerking the lead and other inconveniences, it’s a good idea to train your dog to obey some basic commands and teach him proper social behaviour with other dogs. Otherwise, in terms of education, it may be best to simply walk him.

But if you have your mind set on running with your pal, then it’s time to equip yourself properly. First of all, a harness is preferable to a collar, as it doesn’t interfere with the trachea while running. Ferplast Agila and Ergocomfort line items are ideal for your dog. To give him the right amount of freedom of movement, the lead should be loose and long and if having something in your hands while running is a problem, then you can try our Free Time lead. This special type of lead is ideal for running because it can be tied to a padded belt you wear around your waist and leaves you and your dog free to run without bother. The end of the lead is made of elastic fibre, so even if the dog does try to dash away, the lead won’t jerk violently. The edges of the belt reflect light and ensures your visibility at night or as the day comes to an end.

If you have not taken him jogging yet, remember that there are so many advantages to running with your dog. First of all, a tighter emotional bond will form with him and, if possible, he’ll love you more than ever. Second, running helps him to release pent-up energy, especially if he is home alone all day. Before you head out to work, or when you get home, your dog will be delighted to go out and stretch his muscles and explore new and old terrains. When he gets back from the run he’ll be more relaxed too. And, finally, if you need something to motivate you, remember that when you get home in the evening and the sofa beckons, Fido is standing there too and his loving, pleading eyes will make sure you do the right thing first!