Dogs and cats are the heart of Frida’s Friends pet therapy project. Today the foundation is becoming more digital thanks to the idea of launching a new social network dedicated to animal friends.
Dogs and cats are irreplaceable life companions. Their company has been essential, especially over the past year. Having a pet has helped fight loneliness and had beneficial effects on many people. This is the basis of the pet therapy of which Frida’s Friends has been a supporter for years.
What is pet therapy?
Pet therapy originated in the 1960s in the United States. It is a ‘therapy for well-being’. This kind of therapy is born from scientifical prove that contact between humans and animals raises the levels of oxytocin in the blood and therefore causes an immediate sense of serenity. Hence the use of animals in the treatment of depression, stress and anxiety, and Frida’s Friends’ commitment to bringing pet therapy into hospitals.
Frida’s Friends pet therapy
Frida’s Friends was founded as a non-profit organization in 2012 and is now become a foundation working in healthcare settings, where animals can bring real help to the sick. Pet therapy recognises not only dogs and cats, but also rabbits, horses and donkeys as ‘therapy animals’. However, all animals – hamsters, parrots, birds – have the special gift of bringing serenity to those who interact with them. Frida’s Friends, with the help of dog and cat therapists, offers psycho-physical support to health facilities, schools and RSAs. It intervenes in situations of discomfort to alleviate both physical pain and psychological distress.
Frida’s Friends social network
The past year has shown how important it is for many people to have a pet to cuddle. This is also demonstrated by Enpa (Italian animals’ protection organization), which recorded a 15% increase in adoptions in 2020 compared to the previous year. Frida’s Friends, then, has taken up this need and designed a new social network dedicated to the world of pets. Frida’s Friend’s aim is to create a social network totally dedicated to animal friends, also for those who can’t afford to keep a pet at home.
What is Frida’s Friends social network?
Frida’s Friends has made pet therapy just a click away. Frida’s Friends has created a social network for animal lovers. The social network is based on sharing experiences between users. In fact, sharing experiences with pets transmits positive energy and has beneficial effects on the people involved.
Who is Frida’s Friends social for?
The Frida’s Friends social is aimed at all animal lovers, especially those who do not have a pet themselves. The social app is available free of charge for Android and iOS.
The content of the Frida’s Friends social network
Like all other social media, Frida’s Friends is mostly populated by content from users themselves, i.e. pet parents. But that’s not all. Thanks to this platform, it is possible to get to know pet therapy professionals and the initiatives taking place in major hospitals. The aim of Frida’s Friends is to network, to spread the principles of pet therapy and the various projects that exist in the area. In addition, the aim of the platform is also to raise users’ awareness of respect for nature and the animal world.

Credits Frida’s Friends
Thanks to this project, Frida’s Friends ensures that pet therapy enters our homes and that the positive effects of the company of an animal are within everyone’s reach.