The concern of leaving the dog without food or water when you are away from home is experienced by every pet parent. But there is a solution. Ferplast’s food and water dispensers will always provide your four-legged friend with something to drink or eat and a little extra peace of mind for you.

We can’t always take our four-legged friend with us. Between work and daily schedules, it happens that Fido is at home alone for a few hours. To overcome the understandable concerns related to the dog’s welfare Ferplast has come up with a series of food and water dispensers to take care of him even when we are not there.

Food and water dispensers: Azimut and Zenith

Azimut is the practical dry food and water dispenser for dogs and cats available in various colors and sizes. It is a transparent plastic dispenser with removable tank and practical capacity indicator that will allow you to check how much your dog has eaten and drunk in your absence. It has a non-slip rubber bottom to prevent it from moving or falling during use. It’s available in different sizes and capacities, from 0.6 to 1.5 liters, therefore suitable for pet of all sizes.

Alternatively there is Zenith, the ideal dispenser for dry food such as kibble, cookies and snacks, which allows you to store them without letting them going bad thanks to the transparent container with lid. The food is rationed by falling progressively into the external bowl. Zenith can be purchased in pair with the Nadir water dispenser, both with a capacity of 3 liters.

Water dispensers: Vega and Spring

To guarantee your dog fresh water at all times, you can opt for Vega, the innovative drinking fountain with a plastic surface and integrated Sanitized antibacterial protection, which reduces bacteria by 99.9%. Its peculiarity lies in the spring effect: the always moving water will stimulate your pet’s natural need to drink. It has three drinking spots, one at the bottom and two at the top and is complete with an active carbon filter that keeps the water clean. It also includes a low voltage electrically powered pump with adjustable flow rate.

Especially with the arrival of the hot season, it is essential that Fido has always fresh water. When we are away, then, Spring, the automatic water dispenser, takes care of him for us. It is a dog drinker with a capacity of 1.5 liters, designed for installation on the wall, in the garden or on the terrace. It can be connected to a water system or a cistern and is complete with a lid, float and filter. The water level is adjusted by loosening the bolt and acting on the adjustment screw. It guarantees fresh, clean water at all times.

When you can’t take your dog with you and you are forced to leave him home alone for a few hours, all you have to do is fill up Ferplast’s food and water dispensers to leave him in good hands.