Chillin’ at the beach with your doggo is a paw-some activity that strengthens the bond between you and your furry friend. Watching them frolic in the water and sand brings joy to both humans and canines. However, it’s important to be aware of the risks involved in beach bummin’ and sun-soakin’!

Even the seaside paradise has its risks! Check out these handy tips to ensure a fun, worry-free, and healthy beach day for the whole family, including your four-legged buddy!

Dog on the beach: seawater

Don’t assume that all dogs are natural-born swimmers who love water. Just like us humans, some pups are water babies, while others prefer to keep their paws dry. Don’t force your dog into the water; if they want to take a refreshing dip, they’ll do it themselves.

Also, keep an eye out for your dog drinking seawater. It’s packed with salt, and consuming large amounts can lead to vomiting or diarrhea. Salt can also irritate your dog’s coat, causing pesky dermatitis. So, after a swim, give your furry pal a rinse to keep them feeling fresh.

Additionally, water in the ears can lead to uncomfortable ear infections. Dry your pup’s ears thoroughly to prevent this annoying ailment.

Dog on the beach: the heat

Taking your dog to the beach means being mindful of the scorching summer heat. Heatstroke is a real danger that shouldn’t be ignored. How can you prevent it?

Always create a shady spot where your dog can relax in peace, preferably in a breezy area. Hydration is key too. Keep fresh, clean water readily available. For convenience, bring along travel bowls like Ferplast’s Pet Ristò container. Its airtight closure prevents spills and makes it perfect for food and water.

Be cautious with games and exercise. Avoid playing ball or Frisbee during the hottest parts of the day. Opt for more relaxing activities that don’t require too much energy. Alternatively, enjoy some water play with your dog using floating toys like Puller, great for running, jumping, and tugging. It allows you to exercise your dog while avoiding heatstroke or discomfort.

Dog on the beach: the sand

Dogs absolutely adore the beach, and one of their favorite pastimes is digging and going wild in the sand. However, sand holds some hidden hazards for our furry pals.

Sand can irritate the eyes and cause uncomfortable dermatitis. It’s also abrasive if ingested. Moreover, lurking in the sand are pesky critters like mites, which can be harmful to dogs. In tropical areas, there might be even more dangerous creatures that can cause serious health issues. Ensure your dog is protected with appropriate parasite treatments and have a handy spray on hand for any unforeseen encounters.

Sand can also damage your dog’s accessories, such as collars and leashes. Ferplast’s Evolution line offers waterproof and sandproof products made of polyester and covered in soft PVC, making them perfect for beach trips with your canine companion!

Dog on the beach: more tips

Watch out for foreign objects

Your dog might come across annoying and potentially dangerous foreign objects at the beach, like shell fragments, pebbles, or small shrubs. Stepping on them could cause pain or small wounds. Always keep an eye on your dog and check their health after a beach day.

Rough seas

Even if your dog is a pro swimmer, it’s best to avoid swimming in excessively rough seas. It could put your pet’s life at risk and increase the chances of them ingesting too much saltwater.

If you’re planning a beach adventure with your pup, don’t forget these essential tips for a day full of fun and worry-free beach vibes.