Did you know? There are many scientific studies that have demonstrated the benefits that walking with your dog brings to the mind and body, not only to the animal but also to the owner himself!

Now that the days are getting longer and the temperatures are warmer, walks with your dog are a favourite activity. If you are looking for the perfect lead for your pet, in this article you will find Ferplast’s selection of the most popular and comfortable products for any outdoor activity. 

Dog walking: the benefits

A walk a day… keeps the vet away! It has been proven time and again that dogs too can suffer from stress and anxiety. This affects their physical and mental health, sometimes even determining their lifespan.

Walks are a real stress-reliever fordogs, a moment of escape that allows them to let off steam, play, explore and feel free. Not to mention the prevention and benefits that walks in the open air have on our pet friends’ illnesses and ailments. 

When taking your dog for a walk, however, there are a few things to keep in mind. One of these, especially in the spring period, is to watch out for small dangers such as ticks, parasites and insects in general that might annoy your Fido. 

Furthermore, it is important to have the right equipment to go out safely and not have any unpleasant surprises during the walk. Of all of them, the leash, collar and harness are the indispensable accessories. Let’s first see how to choose the right leash. 

Walking the dog: the leash

There are several dog leashes that can be recommended for their quality, functionality and comfort. Here are some of the most recommended leashes:

Flippy One retractable lead: This type of lead offers the possibility of adjusting the length of the lead thanks to a retractable mechanism. It is particularly useful for giving your dog more freedom of movement when walking. Flippy One includes a locking function to maintain a fixed leash length when necessary.

Nylon leashes: Nylon leashes are strong and easy to clean. They are lightweight, durable and available in various lengths and widths. In addition, they can be combined with a variety of accessories such as harnesses or collars. There are many different designs. Among them, we chose Ferplast’s Daytona Deluxe line, which is robust, comfortable and stylish. It features a padded handle and a useful pouch holder. In the same line you can find collars and harnesses in all sizes, for an impeccable total look! Last useful detail: the seams are reflective and designed to ensure good visibility even during the evening hours.

Leather leashes: leather leashes are renowned for their quality craftsmanship and elegant appearance. They are made of strong and durable leather, offering a firm and comfortable grip. They require proper care to maintain their condition over time. Among them, we have chosen the Vogue line, in coloured leather to be stylish at all times.

Extendable leash: These leashes are designed to offer versatility and adaptability. They can be adjusted to different lengths or converted into a belt to allow the owner to free their hands during a walk. They are ideal for outdoor activities such as jogging, hiking or training. We recommend the extendable leashes from the Sport Dog line, with soft padding along the entire length.

Pull-resistant leash: Pull-resistant leashes are designed with a robust construction and a shock-absorbing system to prevent injury or discomfort to both dog and owner in the event of sudden pulling. They are particularly useful for dogs that tend to pull during walks. The Ergocomfort Elastic line meets these needs perfectly.

Remember that the choice of leash will depend on your dog’s individual needs, temperament and personal preference. It is always advisable to read product descriptions and consult the opinions of other dog owners before making a purchase.

We hope this information has been helpful to you. In the next article we will address the choice of the most appropriate collar and harness for your dog. Stay tuned!