Going for a walk with an exceedingly lively dog that pulls at the leash like a demon is not really relaxing – quite the opposite: it may turn into a very demanding experience. There is, however, a handy solution: a set of leashes and harnesses specifically designed for dogs that pull!

Before any misunderstanding takes place, we’d like to specify that training a dog not to pull on the leash takes suitable tools and a lot of time: only with our constant patience and presence will he learn his good manners!

Which leash should I use on a dog that pulls?

A particularly suitable model is the classic (not the automatic!) one preferably short and with an elastic band. Ferplast’s Ergocomfort Elastic is perfect for the job: it has a soft handle, a nylon part and an innovative terminal made of elastic fibre, which absorbs your dog’s strength and is useful to buffer your dog’s pulling and jerky movements.

Your dog should walk at your side, never in front of you – his head should be at the level of your knees. As soon as he attempts at pulling, we must correct him immediately, with a brief firm pull. The elastic in the leash limits your dog’s pulling strength, making it easier to control him, without causing him any pain whatsoever.

The harness suitable for dogs that pull

Making your dog wear the proper chest harness can be very useful during his training. To prevent your walks together from turning into a tug-of-war, try Ferplast’s Coach harness. This model features a front ring that allows you to control your dog by his chest, helping keep him calm. In this way, when the dog pulls on the leash, he’s forced to turn, which brings him naturally to your side. With Coach you can easily train your dog not to pull and to be disciplined, without ever hurting him!

For best results, try to keep your walks as tranquil and relaxed as possible, early in the morning or in the evening. Be calm at all times, to avoid transmitting your anxiety and stress to your dog. It’s also crucial never to raise your voice, otherwise all you’ll do is make your dog more nervous – and therefore more prone to pulling!