The benefits of pets on children are now widely shared by experts.

It has been demonstrated how much the growth of the kids is positively influenced by the presence of a pet in their daily life. Let’s take a closer look at the beneficial impact of our pets on children’s development.

Benefits of pet ownership

Pets can be a real support for the kids. They are able to provide for very common needs, such as the search for affection and protection.

Psychological support

Children who interact with their pets on a daily basis experience a feeling of support and comfort. They are less likely to experience negative emotions, like anxieties and stress.

On the contrary, they often experience feelings of joy and high spirits. Pets have a calming role on children, contributing to their light-heartedness and happiness.

Physical support

From a physical point of view, the presence of a pet in children’s lives stimulates their desire for movement. It has been verified that small owners are more inclined to carry out physical activity outdoors with their pet.

Social support

The presence of a pet also helps children develop social skills. They manage to make friendships and relationships with their peers more easily, fighting embarrassment and shyness. Furthermore, friendship with a pet helps develop a spirit of inclusion in the child.

Adults’ role

The relationship between children and pets is not necessarily immediate. Most of the time the relationship is spontaneous and develops quickly. There are other cases, however, in which more time and attention is needed before a real friendship is established.

In this last case it is important that the adult acts to make the child and his pet interact better. The relationship between them shouldn’t be so much physical as develop on an emotional level.

The facilitator, whether parent or adult, has a fundamental role. It is necessary to empower the child with the rules to follow to take care of their pet. In this way he will acquire self-confidence, thus also improving the pet’s approach towards the child.

The Teachings of Pets

A pet produces not only positive effects on their mood and health for the little ones, but offers real life lessons.

The needs of an animal are different from those of humans. Living with a pet will help the little one to understand and respect the needs of others. This increases both empathy and the child’s perceived responsibility towards his pet.

Taking care of a pet increases the sense of duty and self-confidence. The little ones will be more autonomous and will learn to manage their role of authority over their pet.

For example, feeding your pet is an action that empowers the child, making him feel useful and important. The duties of the little owners don’t end there! Helping mom clean their cat’s litter box certainly increases their sense of responsibility. Walking the dog on a leash with an adult also conveys a sense of responsibility to children.

In conclusion, for children the advantage of having a pet is that they can learn through play and emotions. Many processes of the child’s growth are thus faced with joy and simplicity. The dimension of fun merges with education and the growth process becomes stimulating and satisfying.