Parasites, first colds and change of coat. Autumn is a difficult season not only for you, but also for your cat! So how to take care of your cat in autumn?

In autumn the temperatures drop, days get shorter. Your furry friend may run into some nasty inconveniences.

If you are worried about your pet as the cold season progresses, here is a list of the most common problems and some advice to best take care of your cat in autumn.


Contrary to what you might think, autumn is a favorable season for the annoying parasites which should not be underestimated. Among the most common and from which to be more careful there are:

– Ticks: they are very common, especially with temperatures between 0° and 20° C and in large green spaces.

– Fleas: autumn favors their spread. With low temperatures, fleas seek a warm and comfortable environment. What better place than your cat’s hair?

– Worms: they can cause serious health problems for your feline. They are dangerous also and above all because they are often invisible.

Ringworm: it is an infectious disease caused by parasitic fungi on the animal’s hair. It usually causes small circular hairless areas.

Remedies and precautions

The only remedy against fleas and ticks is to subject the animal to a targeted parasitic treatment.

For worms, on the other hand, it is essential to deworm your cat four times a year during the change of season. All you have to do is give your pet the appropriate deworming drug.

Taking care of your cat in autumn also means checking his fur, ears and paws. Very important for ringworm is to recognize its symptoms early due to the high ease of contagion. The treatment of the disease takes place through special antifungal drugs, for local use.

Hair loss

Not everyone pays attention to this, but even the cat’s coat is subject to continuous mutations. The thinner coat, typical of the summer season, changes in the autumn period by thickening. This allows the feline to protect himself from the coldest temperatures.

Cats are very attentive to their own hygiene and therefore there is the risk that while “washing” he will ingest a large amount of hair. This practice can also cause serious consequences.


The easiest way to take care of your cat in autumn is brushing him/her often and regularly. This will limit the presence of hairballs on the stomach.

Ferplast produces special brushes for cats that will help remove the excess coat. The brushes will not only remove knots and fur, but at the same time have a relaxing massaging effect will the coat.

Autumn arthrosis in cats

Just like humans, older cats also have some age-related aches and pains. Among them is arthrosis, a chronic disease that affects the joints of our pets. In autumn, with the temperatures dropping, this nuisance tends to become more pronounced.

Unfortunately, there is no cure arthrosis. To take care of your cat in autumn it is recommended to keep the cat warm as much as possible and to help him with grooming.

Taking care of your cat in autumn is a task that requires attention and commitment, but it is essential to ensure the well-being of your furry friend!