The benefits that our four-legged friends bring to everyday life, to our health and to our mood are well known. But how to choose a dog for an elderly person?

For an elderly person, having a pet by their side to take care of can be a real booster. However, you need to be very careful when choosing the breed, especially as regards the dog’s character.

Similar characters and needs between dogs and seniors

The company of a dog can be really stimulating, even and especially for an elderly person who tends to be alone. The main thing, however, is to opt for a breed that is temperamentally inclined to be at their side.

First of all, it is necessary to analyze the senior’s lifestyle. In fact, we are not all the same, some are more lively and dynamic, others, also due to physical problems, need to lead a much more peaceful and sedentary life.

Therefore, the character of the dog and that of the senior must be as compatible as possible. Choosing a dog for an elderly person means first of all choosing a friend, a pet that can tenderly accompany them during their days and give them affection and love. In fact, animals have the ability to convey a sense of peace, care and attention, a real gift for the elderly.

In many cases, the dog breeds that are most suitable for people in their golden age are the same ones that are suitable for children. This is because both phases, childhood and old age, are, for different reasons, characterized by greater fragility. There are some breeds that are able to convey more affection to these people and create a very deep relationship.

Living together

Living together between dog and elderly person is not difficult if you have opted for a breed suitable for the elderly person and with a very similar temperament. However, you must also make an in-depth assessment of the owner’s autonomy. The dog must certainly be a companion animal, but at the same time you must be sure that it is treated with all the attention and care needed.

A self-sufficient elderly person must be able to look after their little four-legged friend and it is good to have the occasional supervision of an external person who checks that everything is going well.

The best breeds for a senior

Which dog breeds are best for keeping an elderly person company? Here are some selected among the most docile and affectionate!


The Maltese is a very loving dog who loves to be held and cuddled. He is perfect for an older person, especially for someone who spends a lot of time at home.

Cavalier King Spaniel

Cavalier King Spaniel dogs are very obedient, nice and docile dogs. They don’t need particular demands, they love to stay at home with their owner and take short walks.


The physical characteristics of the pug are very similar to those of elderly people. In fact, their conformation does not allow particular physical activities, since they tend to get tired very easily.

Brichon Frise

It is a very sunny and nice dog breed, loving outdoors lifestyle and perfect for the elderly people who love to go for walks.