Best wishes from Ferplast

The eagerly awaited Easter holidays are upon us and even though they may not be very long, what matters is spending some quality time with friends, relatives and your four-legged friends!

In Italy there is a rhyme that says “Christmas with the family, Easter with anyone you want,” and this year we have once again chosen to be with you – in fact, the blog will only take a rest for two days, we’ll be back on line on Tuesday! So if while you’re having Easter lunch, between bites of some delicious Easter cake, a plate of fresh asparagus or an Easter egg you decide to satisfy your curiosity about some aspect of the pet world, you can stop in and take a look, we are always ready with some useful tips and to enliven your days off.

As always, we look forward to seeing pictures of your furry friends out in the open air with you, enjoying an Easter Monday picnic or taking an early trip to the seaside! Please remember to use #ferplast, the best pictures will be featured and shared on our Facebook page (@Ferplast) and Instagram (@ferplast_official).

Best Wishes for a Happy Easter from all of us at Ferplast!!!