Travelling around Vicenza with our international clients

Did you see what we organised for the 50th anniversary of Ferplast? Well, first, let’s take a look at what went on… You should know that the celebration was also attended by many of our international clients and colleagues from foreign branches, who, coming from various parts of the world, arrived a day early. Not having anything to do in the morning of the day of the party, we decided to take them around the city of Vicenza to find out a little about our history and culture…

Together with our sales managers, we thus set off on a guided tour through the streets of Vicenza, the beautiful capital of Veneto that is close to Castelgomberto, where our company headquarters lie. After a leisurely stroll to Contra’ Porti, a side street off Corso Palladio where some of the most sumptuous palaces of the city are to be admired, it was time for a stop at the splendid Santa Corona Church. In Gothic style, it houses sculptures and paintings by numerous artists, including Bellini, Palladio, Montagna, Veronese and Pittoni.

It was now time to visit one of the landmark buildings of Vicenza, the Olympic theatre, probably the most representative work of Andrea Palladio. And with good reason! You cannot help but be charmed by the beauty of this place! Built with inspiration from Greek and Roman theatres, today it is the oldest indoor theatre in the world. To this day, it still hosts various musical performances throughout the year.

Given the fast pace of our group, we also managed to visit the Leoni Montanari palace, a seventeenth-century building housing permanent collections of art including Attic and Magna Graecia ceramics and eighteenth-century Venetian paintings.

To conclude in style, there was a visit to one of most famous buildings in Vicenza, the not-to-be-missed absolute masterpiece of Andrea Palladio. Do you know what we are referring to? It is, of course, the majestic Basilica rising up in Piazza dei Signori! Here, after a visit through the splendid interior, we took a break on the spacious terrace that surrounds the roof of the Basilica, offering an enchanting view of the city and surrounds that is nothing short of breathtaking.

A little hot and tired, yet still with more wonder in our eyes, we concluded our morning with a light lunch at the Bar Borsa, which is found right below the basilica. It was the perfect time to refuel and re-energise before attending the highlight of the amazing mega-celebration of 50 years of Ferplast!