Getting back in shape with your dog after the holidays: dog agility.

After coming back from the holidays, getting back in shape with your dog can be really motivating, especially if fun is guaranteed. Today we’ll be talking once more about the world’s best-known dog sport: dog agility.

We’ve already explained the difference between educating and training your dog and how useful a discipline such as Rally Obedience can be to get to know your dog’s behaviour perfectly and to build a relationship of trust with him/her.

We’ve also talked about Dog Agility, a veritable sport for dogs and owners (handlers), based on motivating animals for play, racing, and competition.

If, after coming back from your holidays, all of a sudden you feel like getting back to shape by engaging in sport, but if you’re too lazy to get started, then Dog Agility is perfect for you.

By learning to create a perfect relationship with Toto, you’ll develop physical and mental skills such as racing, concentration, and patience.

Just think: before your furry friend can successfully manage an obstacle course, you’ll need months and kilometres of practice with him.

Benefits will be reaped by your health and by your relationship with your dog. And, as the goals you must reach are constant, you’ll always be kept motivated.

Dog Agility is advised for those who own young dogs, no more than 9 years old, while Rally Obedience is open to all dogs.

We’d like to wrap up this article with a video shot at the Wolfspirit centre at Gambugliano (VI, Italy) by President Genny Rigon, together with her Pepita, 9 years old, 6th-level regional champion. The video shows them in Dog Agility and Rally Obedience, both sports to be practice while having fun with our furry friends.