The tendencies of turtle

When the cold comes, many animal species go into hibernation. Reptiles are one of them. Do you happen to have an aquatic turtle at home and wonder what is the right thing to do? Grab a pen and paper and read carefully!

During the winter, reptiles undergo a depression in metabolic activity and a consequent slowdown of all functions. Even the turtle – a reptile – faces this particular season of the year anticipated by drowsiness and a lack of appetite. Nonetheless, aquatic turtles living at home with us CANNOT go into hibernation.

An aquatic turtle hibernates when the ambient temperature is around 4°C to 7°C. In nature, it takes care of everything by itself. As the climate cools, our ‘heroes in a half-shell’  begin to eat less and less, to empty their intestine and then go for a ‘long nap’ that lasts about six months.

With the heating turned on, it is much warmer in our homes, typically being around 17°C to 20°C. If a turtle lives in an environment where the climate exceeds 7°C, it will never go into hibernation. Yet, at the same time, in order to live happily, it needs to be at least 28°C, as it is during the summer.

Given this, with the arrival of autumn and early cold spells, it is crucial to adjust the ambient temperature properly so as to not endanger the life of our testudines friends.

So, what should we do with our own aquatic turtles?

First, our turtle will have to be kept in its aquarium with a thermostat, heater and UVB lamp at a temperature of 28°C, which can be increased if you notice a certain slowdown in the turtle’s movements and vibrancy. Ferplast’s Jamaica range of glass aquariums can provide a comfortable shelter, being very robust and spacious. What’s more, if we want to ensure an ideal and uniform temperature for the water, all that is needed is a submersible heater such as the Blu Clima, that remains well affixed to the wall thanks to its suction cups.

If you notice anything abnormal, such as the turtle stops eating or doesn’t move about as much, do not hesitate in going straight to your vet, who will surely help your reptile return to good health. If the turtle is still very young, it might be normal for it to slowdown somewhat in its movements, given that it is still in the early stages of its life and has to get used to the changes!