The Chinese New Year is typically in the months of January or February. As you are sure to know, the sign of the Chinese zodiac changes from year to year. Each sign is represented by a different animal. Hear ye, hear ye, 2018 will be the year of the Dog!

The Chinese Horoscope is based on 12 annual cycles. Each of these cycles is associated with an animal: the rat, the ox, the tiger, the rabbit, the dragon, the snake, the horse, the goat, the monkey, the rooster, the dog and the pig.

Every animal has a symbolic characteristic that was attributed to it by the Chinese people in ancient times. These attributes can be grouped into six opposing pairs that must be balanced, like yin and yang, which are the main concepts governing the order of the zodiac. The toughness of the yang is compensated by the equilibrium of the yin.

February 16, 2018 to February 4, 2019 will be the year of man’s best friend par excellence, in other words, the dog. His main characteristic is loyalty and the reference saying is “loyalty without kindness leads to rejection”.

Those born under this sign are honest, very precise, nice, generally lovable and genuine. They know how to get along with others because they are not very demanding, have faith in those they love and are very attentive. Just like our furry friends.

People of this sign get along particularly well with those born in the year of the Rabbit, and have little in common with the Dragon, Goat and Rooster.

2018 will bring luck in both love and career: those looking for their soul mates in particular, will have to keep their eyes open because somewhere, she/he is waiting for them! That’s not all! This year may also bring satisfaction and fortune, both material and monetary. To sum up, it is sure to be a lucky year!

Your sign is the Dog if you were born in the years 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006 and 2018.