Autumn is upon us and, whether you like it or not, the air is cooler, crispier, the landscape is changing its colours and temperatures are dropping. Those of you who have a cat should pay a bit more attention to it during this change of seasons. Here is some advice on how to make sure your cat stays healthy in Autumn.


Cats eat more in Autumn, both in terms of quantity and frequency. Like many other animals, their metabolism undergoes some changes and to stay well they have to take in some extra protein, fat, vitamins and minerals. Even if you prefer to feed it dry food, kibbles, the inclusion of a bit of red and white meat alternated with some fish and a veggie or two will boost its immune system. If the cat lives out of doors, you could give it hot food, as long as it’s not too hot!

Autumn grooming

As summer comes to an end, your cat’s fur will begin to change, with most of this change happening in the first few weeks of Autumn. To speed up the growth of the undercoat and help kitty gain a thick and healthy winter fur brush it at least once a day, and if it has long hair, twice a day! This will also keep unsightly (and even painful!) knots from forming. Use a combination brush like the Gro model from Ferplast’s new Grooming Premium line. First comb it and then massage the cat with the softer brush side.


Never let down your guard, parasites can come and bother your cat even when summer is long gone! As soon as the heating comes on, if your cat lives indoors, flea eggs hiding in the carpet or on the sofa where it sleeps, will hatch and infect your cat once again! Not only, but some tick species are active pests even in winter and actually survive the first freeze. So make sure you protect your furry buddy with regular specific anti-parasitic medicine.

Seasonal illnesses

One quick stroll outside, or a walk in high, wet grass can give your cat a seasonal ailment, like a cold, the flu or even bronchitis. More than the cold, it’s humidity you have to beware of. To avoid colds try letting it out in the afternoon or, if it lives outside, make sure its cat house is nice and dry at all times.

In winter it will, all by itself, seek out the warmth of the home. So to protect your furniture make sure it has a scratching post so that it doesn’t ‘do its nails’ on the side of your sofa! You can get small ones or multi-level ones, depending on how much space you have available.

If you take our advice to heart, your cat will have a safe and healthy Autumn!