Our favourite feline customers

Summer isn’t stopping us and, once again, this month we are back with our feature “Instagram favourites”. Dog and rodent lovers, please don’t be angry… but we have decided to dedicate a space to the felines most loved by adults and children alike: the Pussycat!

Cats are special, elegant, pandering animals. They are very crafty and, more than any of our other furry friends, they always know how to get what they want. Just one look with those huge, shining, languid eyes of theirs and we fall at their feet … or rather, at their paws!

Although they are all predators by nature, of all the images that you shared to our Instagram account, @ferplast_official, a great many photos portrayed them curled up on their cushions, some asleep and others intently observing who knows what.



@ valkirya77

Some cats have decided to use their pet carrier for a bed, perhaps because it is so comfortable and cosy that it is impossible not to stay inside it, even when they are not travelling. Atlas Deluxe or Aladino?



Some cats play hide and seek, or perhaps they’re simply a little bit shy and don’t want to have their photo taken!




People who live with a cat will have noticed that they are particularly curious animals, attracted to what goes and around them and they never miss a thing. Cats can stay still for minutes on end, as if they are mesmerized, before their prey or some other moving object. The interactive games like Tornado and Vertigo really seem to capture a feline’s attention more than a mouse does… so do these pussycats really have everything under control from high up on their scratching posts?





You may not know that cats have a love-hate relationship with water: on the one hand, they hate getting wet, while on the other hand they are deeply attracted to water, with its bubbles, sound and movement. Have you ever noticed how they behave with a running tap or a drinking fountain? Below, there is a typical example of a cat intrigued by our Vega fountain.


Please carry on showing us the photos of your four-legged friends, by using the #Ferplast hashtag, and continue to follow us on our Facebook and Instagram accounts. We are always keen to see how you spend your days in the company of your adorable little pets.