Who would have thought that a bat could become our best ally against mosquitoes?


Bats are not really considered cute, plus there’s the whole vampire thing – and we all know how vampires are not exactly sweet. But bats are very useful animals: a bat can eat from 1,000 to 2,000 mosquitoes in a single night, an environmentally-friendly and very cheap remedy against annoying bugs.


You no longer need to buy repellents at the supermarket.

In the past few years, more and more people have chosen a “green”, natural method to get rid of mosquitoes: adopting a bat by installing a Bat House.


Bat Houses are little wooden houses made specifically for bats. They should be installed on the outer wall of your house, or nailed to a tree, about 4 metres from the ground, where they’ll become a comfortable home for our new friends, who will come even without an invitation, worry not. The best moment to hang these Bat Houses is between March and May, when they wake up from their winter hibernation. It’s better to pick a wall close to wooded areas, or to nail the house on a tree, avoiding heavily trafficked areas. Bat Houses installed on metal poles are never colonized, and it’s also important to place the house in poorly lit areas – we all know how bats love the dark.


Say goodbye to insecticides that are bad for our health and for the environment! Bats are the truly environmentally-friendly choice against mosquitoes!